Has your organisation embraced pay transparency?

The EU Pay Transparency Directive mandates unprecedented levels of pay and career progression transparency across EU member states and multinational organisations. In this helpful guide, Syndio highlights essential tools and strategies to navigate these new requirements.

Read this guide to learn more about how your talent teams can work to mitigate pay gaps incrementally and cost-effectively, ensuring compliance and fostering a fair workplace environment. Download this helpful guide to make your transition to the new pay transparency standards seamless, efficient and more compliant.

You will explore:

  • An overview of the EU Transparency Directive and global pay reporting data
  • Five key requirements for staying compliant, including equal pay for equal work, pay transparency, right to information, public pay reporting, and joint pay assessment.
  • An ideal preparation timeline and steps to ensure your organisation is ready for public reporting
  • Identifying, assessing, and remediating pay gaps effectively
  • An action plan to develop a global compensation framework that aligns with the directive’s requirements
  • and more…

Use this guide to understand what the new directive means for your organisation and learn how to navigate it with confidence. Download your free guide to learn more, get access to Syndio’s Global Pay Reporting Calculator, and prepare to meet the EU Pay Transparency Directive with confidence.



Syndio is the leader in workplace equity solutions, offering technology that enables companies to measure, achieve, and sustain equity and transparency at every step of the employee lifecycle. With Syndio’s Workplace Equity Platform, companies embed equity into their business practices, identifying pay gaps, bolstering the efficacy of HR policies, and facilitating faster, more effective decision-making. Trusted by over 300 companies, including 30% of Fortune’s Most Admired Companies, Syndio ensures equity and consistency in pay and advancement while streamlining global compliance reporting and communications so that each customer can become and remain employers of choice. Join the forefront of building a more equitable and efficient future of work with Syndio.